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4 Easy and Refreshing Detox Water Recipes
Our bodies absorb alot of toxins from the foods we eat or the environment we live in. It is important to cleanse the body on a regular...

7 Remedies for Thinning Hair
Hair loss can be devastating, especially if it occurs at young age. No matter what age or gender these remedies may work for you. 1. Rule...

Chronic Migraine and Headache Natural Remedies
If you have ever experienced the pain of a migraine or frequent headache, this post is for you! The pain of a migraine can be...

Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling
Coconut oil pulling is an Ayurvedic therapy used dating back to 3000 B.C. by ancient Egyptians. According to Ayurvedic medicine various...

Lettuce Wrap w/Cilantro Lime Rice
Another burst of flavor coming your way! Romaine Lettuce Wrap with a side of Cilantro Lime Rice. So delicious and easy to make. This...

Mexican vegetarian lasagna recipe
Vegetarian Mexican lasagna This recipe has so many rich and delicious flavors. I wanted to steer away from the traditional lasagna...

Bad Breath, Muscle Aches, and More..11 Uses for Oregano Oil
Oregano is often used as a dried herb for cooking and flavoring various dishes. Oregano oil when extracted from the oregano plant, can...

Life organization hacks that you need to know and use now
A mother of three boys, a full time job working 40 hours a week, and at one time going to school full time as well. My day to day...

Just weight it out 5 Steps to becoming your ideal weight
We all have our imperfections right? But for some reason or another we make a conscious decision to change it. Most of the time its our...

1.2...3 breathe 5 Ways to Maintain Your Emotional Health
Have you ever had a moment when you just had to step away take a deep breath to keep from exploding or going from 0 to 100 quickly. Most...
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