7 Remedies For Dry Locs and Natural Hair

Tired of dry brittle locs and trying product after product with the only result being a full fledged drought on top of your head? I can honestly say in my loose hair days I had a cabinet full of various products including gels, leave in conditioners, curl formers, and creams. Again I can honestly say none of them worked which is part of the reason why I chose to allow my hair to loc. Not to deter anyone from being loose natural but I am absolutely in love with my 2 year old shoulder length tresses!!!!!! Try these steps for your natural hair and locs dry spells. You are welcome in advance.
1. Read the ingredients
If the first or second ingredient includes petroleum. Stay away! Think about it, petroleum is meant to be used as a barrier.For example it can protect the skin (lets say a burn) from further damage and it repels water and other things that can create a moist environment. The $11.99 moisturizing product that you are putting in your hair might as well be dumped down the drain. The same goes for alcohol and mineral oil. They will suck the life out of your locs and leave you with dry brittle hair.
2.Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to keep your hair and body hydrated and refreshed. Water is necessary for us to maintain all of our body functions it accounts for 60% of our body weight.
3.Condition at least once every other week.Most know that washing the hair strips it of any dirt or residue, and the much needed moisture and nutrients.Conditioning your hair adds necessary nutrient and moisture back into our hair follicles. I also spray my love daily with a mixture of distilled water and my favorite oils.
4.Shampoo with sulfate free products as sulfate can strip your hair of the necessary oils needed. You can even make your own shampoo using your favorite natural soap such as black soap or tea tree oil.
5. Start with a clean slate. Sometimes our hair may have product build up although you are shampooing and clarifying on a regular basis
6.Minimize Manipulation-Try to go 3-4 weeks or longer between re-twist. Constant manipulation can cause your locs to become dense, thin, and brittle causing breakage.
7. Eat nutrient rich foods. Eating the proper foods can supply the body, including the hair, skin and nails with the nutrients needed to maintain its strength and health.
Feel free to chime in to tell us about your loc or natural hair care regime