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Just weight it out 5 Steps to becoming your ideal weight

We all have our imperfections right? But for some reason or another we make a conscious decision to change it. Most of the time its our weight that we want to modify. We start the whole diet and exercise thing and....




L miserably. No worries, I've been in your shoes maybe on the opposite end but i have been there. I finally began weighing in the triple digits not until I hit my thirties. That is definitely another topic another time stay tuned....So back to the topic at hand. Follow these 5 simple steps to achieve your optimal weight.

1) Eat right

Become familiar with clean eating . No it doesn't mean wash all of your food before you cook or eat it. Although that may not be a bad idea.

2) Sleep right

Not having enough or even too much sleep can be detrimental to our bodies. It can cause anything from unwanted weight gain or weight loss, and pain just to name a few. In my case all of my hard workouts and weightlifting would go to waste because I was not getting an adequate amount of sleep to let my muscles do their work.

3)Think right

Positive thoughts always yield positive results. Thinking positive can not only reduce stress but it can aide in keeping you from stress eating or starving.

4)Drink right

Water Water Water is the single most important liquid that our bodies need for various reasons such as to hydrate the tissues and cells in our bodies and help remove and flush out toxins and waste. If you want to take it a step further research various types of water. I personally prefer alkaline and purified water,which will be discussed in a later post. The point is make sure you get your daily dose of water preferably 8 full glasses.

5) Live Right

Treat others how you want to be treated. You can't treat someone one who you feel is of no importance like dirt, and then expect someone you truly care about to treat you like royalty. It is true that you do reap what you sew. Secondly you should do for others (if you choose), but also do for yourself. Embrace time alone to sit in silence (no electronics) to reflect on your life, build yourself up and practice self motivation.

To sum it all up our life should consist of never ending goals a list of achievements whether big or small. Our bodies play a major role in how long we are here. Stay Well Everyone!

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